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PATH Success Story: Senior Consultant Promotion

February 22, 2023 | 2 Minute Read

PATH is an internal system at Improving that puts emphasis on the dreams and aspirations of individual employees, and helps them take steps to make these goals a reality. Here is one of many success stories:

An Improver signed up for PATH to provide a framework for promotion to senior consultant. His PATH Coach walked him through the expectations of a senior consultant, and they collaborated on a plan for what that route would look like for him.

The consultant was developing expertise in lots of interesting technologies at his client. His PATH Coach recommended that he share that knowledge with his fellow Improvers. The Improver was interested in giving back but was hesitant since he wasn't comfortable with public speaking. His PATH Coach advised him to start small. The Improver set a 90-day commitment to present a lightning talk to the internal app dev community, allowing him to talk to a friendly audience in a non-threatening environment. Building on this success, the Improver set a goal to deliver an hour-long talk for the full enterprise over his next 90 days. This was the first of two he’d deliver over the next six months. 

The Improver needed to improve his client presence to help facilitate the transition of a more senior developer off the account. The client had reservations about the Improver serving as the lead and kept pushing out the timeline for transition The Improver worked on taking the lead in client interaction to elevate his presence and build trust. His PATH Coach, who was also his account lead, worked with the senior developer to help train and better position the Improver for that elevated role. Working iteratively through SMART goals, the Improver fine-tuned his consulting skills and strengthened his technical acumen to the point where the client was comfortable with him leading the API development team.  

He also wanted to work on growing himself as a subject matter expert within the enterprise. His PATH Coach suggested he expand his Azure knowledge by getting involved in the Azure Developer CertSquad. This had the added benefit of helping Improving with our Microsoft partnership goals. 

PATH was the perfect vehicle to help this Improver realize his promotion to senior consultant. It helped establish his baseline and identify areas for growth. The PATH Coach assisted him in creating a customized plan to get there, providing encouragement and accountability along the way.

Want to learn more about Improving's PATH Program? Reach out to us or click here to read another blog post.

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A PATH Forward

Improving has rolled out a new employee program called PATH. Learn how it benefits both Improvers and the company.