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PATH Success Story: Public Speaking and Thought Leadership

December 21, 2022 | 2 Minute Read

PATH is an internal system at Improving that puts emphasis on the dreams and aspirations of individual employees, and helps them take steps to make these goals a reality. Here is one of many success stories:

An Improver signed up for PATH to work on becoming more effective at public speaking. He was growing his career into leadership and saw the need to be able to communicate more effectively with groups. He also wanted to grow his skills as a thought leader.

This was set as a one-year goal since this Improver wasn't new to public speaking. He had delivered internal lunch & learns and one conference talk. Though he had experience, he felt he lacked polish and the necessary repetition to take his public speaking to the next level. His goal was to deliver one talk per quarter to a user group or conference. He would also develop three new presentations to increase the likelihood of being selected at conferences.

The Improver used SMART goals and 90-day commitments to schedule and deliver the first user group talk while applying to conferences. He also created new content for delivery during this period. His PATHCoach provided feedback on his content and delivery to help him identify where he could strengthen his approach. 

This was in 2020. COVID hit in March, so all conference and user groups started shutting down. The Improver thought his goal was going to have to wait for another year. His PATHCoach asked him to get creative and not let circumstances stand in the way of achieving his goal. 

Virtual conferences started popping up to fill the void. The Improver applied to conferences outside his market and landed speaking engagements at many of them.   

The Improver continued refreshing 90-day commitments and upped his goal from one speaking engagement a quarter to one per month. He also generated two additional talks. This year of work served as a launch pad into thought leadership, helping him to become a high performer within his enterprise. 

The Improver put in the work. Over that year, he grew into a more confident and comfortable speaker. The PATH program and coach provided the structure and accountability to work through hurdles, redefine goals, and ultimately realize this professional aspiration. 

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A PATH Forward

Improving has rolled out a new employee program called PATH. Learn how it benefits both Improvers and the company.