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Building Scalable Logistics Solutions for Global Expansion

Logo - Building Scalable Logistics Solutions for Global Expansion (Crane Worldwide Logistics)

The Customer

A global logistics provider.

The Project

Building Scalable Logistics Solutions for Global Expansion


The Customer faced challenges with their IT infrastructure and EDI platform, jeopardizing their growth plans. Their infrastructure, built on proprietary tools, lacked the scalability required for expansion. Improving conducted a comprehensive assessment of their IBM EDI platform and IT systems to devise a scalable solution.

The Challenge

The Customer aimed to expand its operations but was hindered by its technical platform's inability to support growth. The self-constructed IT infrastructure and the use of proprietary tools posed significant operational challenges, impacting client satisfaction without directly affecting revenue or costs.

The Solution

Improving's solution involved a thorough analysis of the IBM EDI platform and the custom code integrating it. The approach utilized Java and IBM-specific libraries for scalable custom solutions, integrating third-party tools with existing warehousing and logistics systems. The strategy also included leveraging .NET technologies where beneficial, focusing on solving scalability issues and instituting development discipline. The project spanned a year, involving continuous collaboration with the Customers' multiple layers of executive and IT leadership.

The Technologies & Methodologies

  • Development Language: Java

  • Backend Solution: IBM-specific solutions

  • Additional Technologies: .NET for specific functionalities

Icon - Java
Icon - C#

The Business Benefits

  • Customer Base Expansion: Successfully expanded the customer base by over 200% without impacting labor costs or market speed.

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Improved client retention and satisfaction through effective system scalability and performance.

  • Return on Investment: Achieved significant ROI by adding new system components and enhancing overall system functionality.

Lessons Learned

A key insight from this project was the importance of considering the human element in technology decisions, ensuring the system was maintainable by the client post-project. This approach enabled a sustainable solution that supports future growth.

Why Improving?

Improving's intervention allowed the Customer to transform their IT infrastructure into a robust platform capable of supporting their ambitious growth plans. The project not only expanded their customer base significantly but also enhanced customer satisfaction and retention, establishing a strong foundation for future developments.

Logistics & Transportation
Application Modernization

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