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Building a Resilient Datacenter for Financial Market Analysis

Logo - Building a Resilient Datacenter for Financial Market Analysis (Edgetech Analytics)

The Customer

A leading market analysis firm specialized in financial services

The Project

Building a Resilient Datacenter for Financial Market Analysis


The Customer encountered significant challenges with frequent outages in their datacenter, impacting their ability to deliver real-time market models. Opting for an in-house solution for enhanced control and security, they engaged Improving for a resilient infrastructure overhaul.

The Challenge

Reliant on their datacenter for critical market modeling data, the Customer needed a failproof infrastructure to support their services to investment firms. Previous outages had underscored the need for a robust solution to maintain uninterrupted service in a volatile market.

The Solution

Improving proposed a hyper-converged infrastructure solution from Dell, creating a private cloud-like environment on-premise. The rebuild involved Dell’s technology for redundancy and Microsoft’s Hyper-V for virtualization, with PowerShell scripting for streamlined management. This approach offered cloud technology benefits without sacrificing control or data proximity.

Icon - Dell EMC
Icon - Microsoft Hyper-V
Icon - PowerShell

The Business Benefits

  • Zero Outages: The new system eradicated datacenter downtime, instilling confidence in delivering dependable market models.

  • Enhanced Data Processing Speed: Performance bottlenecks were eliminated, accelerating data analysis and delivery.

  • Simplified System Management: Hyper-converged infrastructure and PowerShell scripting eased system support, allowing for efficient management and troubleshooting.

  • Minimized Failure Points: The design significantly reduced the risk of disruptions, ensuring continuous availability of critical software.

Lessons Learned

The project underscored the effectiveness of well-documented, scripted solutions for reducing complexity and facilitating future deployments. It also highlighted the value of longstanding client relationships, allowing Improving to tailor solutions closely to Edgetech’s specific needs.

Why Improving?

The Customers’ datacenter rebuild with Improving resulted in a state-of-the-art infrastructure capable of supporting their growth and operational reliability. The successful deployment exemplifies the strategic advantage of combining innovative technology solutions with strong partnership dynamics.

Financial Services
Platform Engineering

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